Agenda item

Leader's Statement

The Leader will present his statement.


The Leader of the Council presented a verbal statement updating the Assembly on a range of matters since the last meeting, with a particular focus on the latest information around the Borough’s management of Covid-19.


The Leader outlined the pro-active work being undertaken in the Borough to reinforce the public health messages including the use of media and social media, leaflet drops to every household and targeted communications in areas of high infection rates, other areas of high footfall and outside schools.


The Leader then invited the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration to provide the latest clinical update of the situation.  The Cabinet Member spoke on the increasing rates of infection across all age ranges and the need to protect the more vulnerable members of the community, stressing the importance of everybody abiding by the public health message of washing hands, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing. 


The Leader expressed his concerns at the lack of cooperation and mixed messaging from the Government which made it difficult for the Council to properly protect communities.  He highlighted the withdrawal of some local testing facilities as an example and also referenced the lack of powers available to local authorities, such as the ability to fine individuals for not wearing masks in enclosed spaces.  The Leader also condemned a number of the big supermarket chains for not enforcing the rules locally and for putting profit before people and confirmed that the Council would continue to take enforcement action to protect the community.


The Leader advised that Council was pulling together information about the social and economic impact of Covid-19 in order to strengthen its case for more support from the Government.  He also paid tribute to the efforts of his Cabinet colleagues and staff in continuing to deliver services in the face of the pandemic, highlighting specific areas of work under the remits of the Cabinet Members for Educational Attainment and School Improvement, Community Safety and Enforcement, Social Care and Health Integration and Community Leadership. He also made mention of the ‘Lost Hours’ campaign, led by Councillor Worby in partnership with Councillors Carpenter and Mullane, aimed at tackling youth violence and making all parents aware of their responsibility for their children.


Other issues covered in the Leader’s statement included: 


·  Stephen Port Inquest – The Council had agreed to the Ministry of Justice’s request to use Barking Town Hall as the venue for the inquest into the murders committed by Stephen Port in Barking between 2014 and 2015.  The inquest was due to start in January 2021 and expected to last for up to six weeks;

·  A13 tunnel – Lodgingthe case for the A13 tunnel to the Government’s comprehensive spending review;

·  Film studios - Securing circa £5m from the Government to enable work on the Film Studios to move forward;

·  Homes for Artists – Following planning permission, work had commenced on a ‘Homes for Artists’ project in Linton Road, Barking, backed by Turner Prize-winning artist Grayson Perry, to support home-grown talent and attract artists and craftspeople to the borough;

·  London Councils – His recent appointment as Deputy Leader of London Councils;

·  Facebook Live event – A successful test event to bring contact with Council Leaders closer to the people; and

·  One Borough One Love Festival – Over 26,000 people had taken part in the event and the Leader congratulated everyone involved.