Agenda item

Annual Reports of Meetings

(i)  Ceremonial Council

(ii)  Community Forums

(iii)  Executive, including Appointments to the Political Structure 2004/05 and Members’ Allowances 2004/05 (to follow)

(iv)  Scrutiny Management Board

(v)  Development Control Board

(vi)  Personnel Board

(vii)  Standards Committee

(viii)  BAD Youth Forum


(i)  Ceremonial Council – noted.


(ii)  Community Forums - noted


(iii)  Executive Report (Annual and Recent Business)


  1  Members’ Allowances


  Agreed the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2004/05 as set out in Appendix A to the report, with effect from 20 May 2004, in accordance with the recommendations of the Independent Review Panel, and that the Constitution be amended accordingly.


  2  Appointments to the Political Structure 2004/05


  Considered the Executive’s recommendations regarding appointments to the Council’s political structure for the municipal year 2004/05.


  (a)  Membership


  Agreed that the membership of the Executive, Scrutiny Management Board, the Development Control Board, the Panel for the Regulatory and General Matters Board, the Panel for the Personnel Board, the Standards Committee and the Community Forums be as set out in Appendix ‘A’.


  (b)  Appointment of Chairs and Deputy Chairs


  Noted that the Constitution automatically provides for the following positions:


  Chair  Deputy Chair


  Executive  Leader of the  Deputy Leader of

  Council  the Council


  Council  Mayor  Deputy Mayor


  Agreed that:


(i)  Chairs and Deputy Chairs for other Council bodies be as set out in Appendix ‘B’, and


(ii)  the tenure of Deputy Chairs of Community Forums be increased from one to two years and an appropriate amendment be made to the Constitution.


(c)  Co-opted Members


  Agreed that the following persons be appointed as co-opted Members on the Scrutiny Management Board for such times as education matters are considered:


  Reverend R Gayler representing the Church of England


  Mrs G Spencer representing the Roman Catholic Church


  Mr P Carter and Mr B Phillips are already elected for a four year period as Parent Governor representatives for primary and secondary schools respectively and, as such, will similarly be co-opted to the Scrutiny Management Board for education matters.


  (d)  Best Value Reviews


  Noted arrangements for Best Value Reviews in 2004/05.


  (e)  Representatives on Miscellaneous Bodies


  Agreed that representation be as set out in Appendix ‘C’.


  (f)  Appointment of Trustees to Local Charities




·  Dagenham United Charity


That Councillors Davis, Wainwright and Justice re reappointed as trustees as detailed in the Executive report.


·  Barking General Charity


That Councillors Mrs Bruce and Porter be reappointed as trustees for 2004/05.


·  Barking and Ilford Charities


That Councillors Mrs Bradley and Mrs Flint be reappointed as trustees for 2004/05.


·  The Eva Tyne Trust Fund


That Councillors Mrs Bruce, Davis and Mrs Twomey be reappointed as trustees for 2004/05.  Councillor Jones also serves as an ex-officio member of the Trust.


·  The Brocklebank Lodge Trust Fund


That Councillors H Collins and Jones be reappointed as trustees for 2004/05.


·  King George V Silver Jubilee Trust Fund


That this continues to be administered by the Mayor and the Director of Social Services.


  3  Annual Report – noted.


(iv)  Scrutiny Management Board – noted.


  Councillor Mrs Twomey thanked the Members of the Board and officers for their support over the year.


(v)  Development Control Board - noted


  Councillor Mrs Bruce thanked officers for their work over the past year.


(vi)  Report of the Personnel Board – noted.


(vii)  Report of the Standards Committee – noted.


(viii)  Report of the BAD Youth Forum – noted.

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