Agenda item

Barking Riverside Ltd - PLOT209-20/02552/ REM


The Principal Development Management Officer (PDMO), Be First Development Management Team, introduced a report on an application for the approval of reserved matters pursuant to Conditions 38 and 39 (plot details) following outline approval 18/00940/FUL for Plot 209B within Stage 2 North. The proposed development comprised the erection of 229 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) and retail and restaurant floorspace (Use Class E), with associated parking, landscaping and tertiary roads. The application also sought to partially discharge conditions 5 (Partial Discharge), 41 (Acoustics), 42 (Nature Conservation and Landscape), 43 (Parking and Servicing), 47 (Drainage), 48 (Access), 49 (Air Quality), 50 and 51 (Code of Construction Practice for Plots) of the outline planning permission.


In addition to internal and internal consultations, a total of 1182 letters were sent to neighbouring properties together with a requisite press notice. One response was received seeking details on how to view the application online which was addressed via email. No objections were received. The material planning considerations were addressed within the planning assessment outlined in the report.


The officer’s assessment of the application was that the redevelopment of the site for residential use was acceptable in principle and would contribute to the Borough’s housing stock through the provision of 229 good quality units compliant with relevant standards. The proposal would comprise 47% affordable units which was considered to meet an identified need in the Borough.


The scale, siting and design of the development was regarded appropriate to the site’s context and would result in a high-quality finish, whilst respecting the amenity of neighbouring occupiers. The proposed landscaping strategy would positively contribute to the appearance and public realm of the area and enhance the arboricultural, biodiversity and environmental value of the site.


The development as proposed adopted a sustainable approach to transport whilst ensuring an acceptable impact on local highways and infrastructure. The proposal was also considered acceptable in terms of sustainability and air quality, and therefore it was recommended that the reserve matters be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report.


Having regard to the summary of consultation responses set out in the report, clarification was sought as to the comments of Environmental Heath in relation to noise levels from a proposed tank room and from a commercial unit designated for a restaurant. The PDMO confirmed that the detailed design aspects around these features would follow at a later date and formed part of a separate application covering the discharge of the planning permission.


A number of questions were asked regarding the mix of tenures and types of accommodation, particular family sized units, to which the officer provided explanations and clarification in the context of the wider development of Barking Riverside.


In supporting the proposals Members welcomed the inclusion of the commercial elements including the provision of eateries to provide residents with much needed facilities. Therefore,


The Committee RESOLVED to:


1.   Agree the reasons for approval as set out in this report; and

2.   Delegate authority to the Director of Inclusive Growth (or authorised Officer), in consultation with Legal Services to approve the Reserved Matters subject to the Conditions listed in Appendix 6 of the report. 



Supporting documents: