Agenda item

First Time Entrants


First Time Entrants (FTE) continues to be a priority for LBBD, at the end of 2020 LBBD had the highest rate of FTE into Criminal Justice System (CJS) across the country and have consistently remained above national and regional averages and in the top 10 for the last 5 years.


·  FTE are young people under 18 years who are arrested and received a substantive outcome for an offence, those who are charge straight to court and receive a conviction and those who receive a youth caution or conditional caution which is an alternative to being charged to court.

·  Young people can engage with the YOS voluntarily through an out of court disposal via community resolutions given from the MPS. These do not count as an FTE and can only be applied where there is an admission of guilt.

·  YARM has positively impacted FTE numbers, only 5% seen by YARM are entering the CJS.

·  LBBD are above the national and London average for FTE since 2017, from 2019 onwards the trends have decreased, data is only available until 2020 which saw LBBD ranked 5th.

·  We have rag rated ourselves as Amber due to positive changes but aware needs to be done.

·  The YOS Board monitor FTE on regular basis and an FTE task and finish group has been developed to provide the opportunity to look at gaps, areas which we can have a positive impact, improve the quality of provision for young people.

·  10 randomly selected cases have been looked at to identify key themes, these deep dives highlighted that 80% were known to CSC on CIN or CSP Plan, 50% witnessed domestic abuse, nearly 60% witnessed either a parent or sibling abusing substances, 62% had a change or inconsistency in primary care, 40% experienced significant loss, 60% were excluded from school or struggled with engagement/attendance, 60% were previously arrested and no further action taken by MPS and 30% being released under investigation and 50% were also a victim of crime.

·  The FTE subgroup are identify who at point of arrest who may be eligible for out of court disposal there is a menu of resources for positive diversionary activities that can be offered and applied

·  The next steps are to deliver training to identify how partners can intervene earlier, ongoing review of FTE data and an annual deep dive of FTE to identify changes to trends and themes.


Nathan Singleton questioned how many young people investigated do not come an FTE and the 5% of those linked into YARM that do enter CJS do we know numbers if they didn’t receive YARM. We have only just started to receive RUI data from MPS on a national level across London so the first time we have seen this, we only have this on an East Area level. Angie Fuller also advised there isn’t a control group for YARM.


ACTION: Paul Trevers to look into what local data MPS have access to focusing on those released under investigation that could support this work.


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