Agenda item

MPS Update on Street Violence


Gordon Henderson provided an update to board members on Street Violence.

·  The MPS control strategy remains same.

·  The priorities remain as serious violence and safeguarding, the local priorities are robbery, burglary, serious violence and domestic abuse.

·  Key challenges are public confidence following the murder of Sarah Everard and recently 2 officers sentenced following their actions around the crime scenes and moving out of covid and MPS response to the changing picture. 

·  LBBD the violent crime picture fluctuates, in September-October 2021 there was a reduction in violent crime, however the data to TTCG for mid oct-mid Nov shows an increase in violence crime from 24 incidents up to 31 incidents

·  Robberies have stabilised following a focus on the hotspot locations which included transport hubs and martins’ corner.

·  Barking Town Centre is a hotspot for sexual offences with 11 offences between August and October 2021. MPS are unpicking data to focus on what is causing hard to women. Previously reported on all offences involving a woman, this is being reviewed to ensure the data focuses specifically on VAWG relation crimes. This will also include a focus of road rage incidents. 

·  An Operation has been launched to deploy a que car (unmarked car) in town centres to identify if there are any groups of men focusing attention on women, they will task uniformed officers to approach and speak to those groups. This will mean an increase in uniformed officers.

·  MPS thanked B&D council for providing funding, through TTCG MPS have been able to allocate further resources £13,000 until March 2021 to allow visibility patrols, hotspots and targeted violence and offending. Response team colleagues have done an additional 4 hours in BTC as hotspot areas following the last TTCG. The TTCG will monitor the benefits and impact.

·  Areas of support required are reviews of parks and open spaces looking at patrols, design out crime, CCTV. Abbey Ruins raises concerns of sexual offences and exposure offences. Review of transport hubs and CCTV around the stations and hubs. Look at data from last 7 days it is clear most violence offences and robbery across east area is focused in and around transport hubs.

·  Paul Trevers noted the Violence Suppression Unit (VSU) will be deployed to the hotspots and current crime demands. Violent crime reduction data highlights hate crime has improved up to 9.6%, knife crime 13.1% robbery 6.4% rape 2.7%. early days, MPS will continue to focus on this to improve crime solve rate.


Councillor Mullane noted that 11 sexual offences seem low, do MPS feel there is an issue with reporting? If we look at violence crime and overlap with LAS and cases reported into A&E departments shows disparity in reporting, under reporting is evident so this would suggest the same for sexual offences. Councillor Mullane also highlighted the need to keep a focus on Heathway and Becontree with the focus of BTC to ensure there isn’t displacement.


Steve Thompson raised the focus of E-Scooters at the SNB questioned what action is being taken on E-Scooters and crime within the borough. The data actually focuses more the robbery of E-Scooters than then being used for robbery. Paul Trevers noted that an operation will be launched focusing on E-Scooters around the Heathway.


Eve McGrath highlighted an increase of reports in crime against GP staff, this has not come to the attention of MPS but agreed this is of concern and agreed to look into this. Andy Opie advised this can be taken through TTCG and IVOLT process to lead on any problem solving. In the new year we will bring an update to CCTV to CSP board looking at upgrades of control room and on street cameras. Map of cameras in borough and overlay with where offences are taking place. Can also link with parks team to look at problem solving and design out crime.


ACTION: Eve McGrath to link in with Paul Trevers and Gordon Henderson regarding crimes against GP staff. Follow up for next agenda (COMPLETED).

ACTION: Jonathan Woodhams to share map of CCTV with Paul Trevers and Gordon Henderson to overlay with crime data.

ACTION: Jade Hodgson to add CCTV Review to CSP forward plan (COMPLETED).

ACTION: Paul Trevers to look into the riding of E-Scooters and what was being done by the EABCU about the illegal use of them within the Borough and report back to CSP Members.


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