Agenda item

Segro Park, Choats Road, Dagenham - Plot 3


The Development Management Officer (DMO), Be First, introduced a report on an application from SEGRO (East Plus) Ltd for planning permission for the construction of an industrial building (Use Class B2, B8, E(g)(iii), with ancillary offices, access ramp, creation of new vehicular accesses from Choats Road and Halyard Street, pedestrian and cycle access from Choats Road, cycle, motorcycle and car parking, roof mounted solar panels, hardstanding and circulation areas, roof terrace, sprinkler tanks, pump, and all other ancillary works including landscape, drainage, engineering, ground stability works and boundary treatment.


Further to the publication of the agenda a supplementary report was issued updating the Committee on the outcome of further discussions between the LBBD Employment and Skills officers and the applicant, which proposed that should the application be approved the head of term relating to training and employment should be updated to reflect an increased financial contribution.


By way of background the DMO explained that this planning application was the third industrial development submitted by Segro in partnership with the GLA. The first application at site 4, reference 19/01178/FUL was granted planning permission on 3 January 2020. The Committee subsequently resolved to grant planning permission on 5 July 2021 for Segro Plot 2 (planning application reference 21/00023/FUL), subject to planning obligations and conditions. The s106 Agreement was yet to be finalised and the Stage 2 GLA referral was required before planning permission could be granted for Plot 2. 


In addition to internal and external consultations, a total of 143 notification letters were sent to neighbouring properties together with the requisite statutory press and site notices. 1 response was received on behalf of the promoter for the BRL housing development expressing support for the principle for the redevelopment of the site and welcomed the opportunity to work with the applicant and the Council on future employment, skills and training initiatives. The full material planning considerations relating to these matters were addressed in the planning assessment set out in the report.


The Chair expressed his support for the application and welcomed the creation of a significant number of new job opportunities for residents.


There being no issues raised by Members, the DMO concluded that the proposed development was considered acceptable in land use terms and when considered as a whole would provide an appropriate land use within adopted Core Strategy SIL designation, as the part of the statutory Development Plan and accord with the London Plan, and emerging Local Plan.


The development would optimise opportunities for local employment, skills and training through the construction and end use phases. The development included a number of commitments to improve the accessibility of the site, including improving cycle routes, a contribution towards improving bus services and a financial contribution towards the local/strategic highways improvements. The highways commitments would assist in mitigating the impacts of the development in highways terms and were supported.


The Energy Strategy submitted as part of the Proposed Development demonstrated that the proposals would sufficiently reduce carbon dioxide emissions, with any off set to be secured through the s106 agreement.


Accordingly, the Committee RESOLVED to:


1.  Agree the reasons for approval as set out in the report,


2.  Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Inclusive Growth in consultation with Legal Services to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement under s106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) based on the Heads of Terms identified at Appendix 6 of the report and the supplementary report, and the planning conditions at Appendix 5, and


3.  Agree that, if by 20 June 2022 the legal agreement had not been completed, the Strategic Director of Inclusive Growth be delegated authority to refuse planning permission or extend this time frame to grant approval.




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