Agenda item

13-15A Thames Road, Barking - 22/02211/FULL


The Principal Development Management Officer (PDMO), Be First Development Management Team, introduced a report and presentation on an application from Zenith Land for the demolition of existing buildings (flexible Use Classes E(g), B2, and/or B8) and residential homes (Use Class C3), together with associated landscaping, play space, access, car and cycle parking and other associated and ancillary works at 13-15a Thames Road, Barking. The Planning Officer also referenced a supplementary report which included clarification/corrections to the published report.


In addition to internal and external consultations, a total of 428 notification letters were sent to neighbouring properties, in respect of which no objections were received.


Whilst the development was supported, a general comment was made about public concerns as to the principle of a mixed-use development in this area, and it was hoped that subject to approval this evening the build would be completed in a timely fashion according to planning consents to allay any perceived concerns. The number of affordable rent properties being achieved was also welcomed as was the thermal comfort analysis referenced in the report, given the climate issues that were currently being experienced across Europe. Finally, assurances were sought and received that the additional funding being set aside for the Ripple Greenway and public parks would be subject to consultation with ward councillors in both Thames View and Barking Riverside.


Summing up the PDMO concluded that the proposed change of use would allow for a mixed-use residential-led development. The proposal included 245 new and additional residential units in a range of different tenure and size together with 2,714 sqm GIA of new internal industrial floorspace .


As it stood whilst the development would be a departure from the adopted Local Plan, the Council was in the process of preparing its draft Local Plan 2037 which had an ambitious and forward-looking vision for the borough and which sets out how the housing, economic and social targets will be met. The draft Local Plan 2037 and the Thames Road Masterplan (albeit unadopted) guides the transformation of  strategic industrial land into a new community offering high quality housing addressing the local need and annual housing targets.


The proposal included de-designation of parts of RREA through release of industrial land and intensification the lost employment capacity elsewhere within the designated area. The proposed development was in line with the emerging development plan (including the adopted London Plan). In light of this, the principle of development was supported in land use terms. The proposed development would positively contribute towards housing numbers, and it would, on balance, provide an appropriate dwelling mix, tenure split, accessible housing, and play space. Whilst the level of the affordable housing was below the policy level, the under delivery was regarded as acceptable, given that the scheme would contribute to the provision of needed social infrastructure. The contributions would be secured by a s106 legal agreement. The siting, scale, massing, and height of the development was considered appropriate to the site’s context and would result in a high-quality finish, meeting or exceeding the relevant internal and external standards. The proposed building would respect the amenity of the existing and future neighbouring occupiers. The proposed landscaping strategy would positively contribute to the appearance and public realm in the area and enhance the arboricultural, biodiversity and environmental value of the site and the surrounding area. Some of the proposed dwellinghouse would be single aspect, and in accordance with planning policy the applicant had demonstrated that they had been suitably designed and that they would not suffer from overheating.


Officers were also satisfied that subject to the recommended planning condition the development could achieve suitable internal and external noise level for future residents. The development would be acceptable in terms of sustainability and air quality. The Energy Strategy submitted as part of the proposed development had demonstrated that the proposals would sufficiently reduce carbon dioxide emissions, with any off-set  secured through the s106 agreement. There was also a sustainable approach to transport whilst ensuring an acceptable impact on local highway and infrastructure


Officers concluded that following careful consideration of the relevant provisions of the NPPF, the Development Plan and all other relevant material considerations, the proposed development was acceptable, and that any potential material harm in terms of the impact of the proposal on the surrounding area would reasonably be mitigated through compliance with the listed conditions and associated legal agreement. Therefore,


The Committee RESOLVED to:


(i)  Agree the reasons for approval as set out in the report; and


(ii)  Delegate authority to the Director of Inclusive Growth (or authorised Officer) to grant planning permission subject to any direction from the Mayor of London, and the completion of a S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) based on the Heads of Terms identified at Appendix 5 and the Conditions listed at Appendix 4 of the report; and


(iii)  That, if by 13th December 2023 the legal agreement has not been completed, the Director of Inclusive Growth (or other authorised Officer), be delegated authority to refuse planning permission, or extend this timeframe to grant approval, or refer the application back to the Planning Committee for determination.






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