Agenda item

Review of Key Counter Fraud Policies & Strategy 2023


The Head of Assurance (HoA) updated the Committee. The Council took a strong stance against fraud and, as part of its strategy, all Counter Fraud policies were reviewed annually to take account of any change in working systems within the Council as well as legislation. All changes made had been subject to consultation with Legal, HR, staff networks and Trade Unions


The papers in the agenda mistakenly omitted the tracked changes which would have enabled the Committee to see where amendments had been made.


In order not to delay the publication of the policies and strategy on the Council Intranet and so as to allow them to be promoted to and, where applicable, applied by the Council’s partners such as council owned companies, contractors and schools,


The Committee APPROVED the changes as set out in the appendices to the report, subject to receiving and reviewing/commenting on track changed versions outside of the meeting. 




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