Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - Application for a Premises Licence: Percolate Entertainment LTD, Barking Park, Barking IG11 8TE


The Licensing Authority Responsible Authority Officer (LARAO) presented a report outlining an application submitted on 2 January 2024 from Percolate Ltd for a Premises License in Barking Park, Longbridge Road, Barking IG11 8TA.


The application was to permit music events over two weekends for three consecutive days in Barking Park, between the 1 May and 30 September. The applicant sought the following licensable activities and timings as set out in the report:


Provision of Films

Friday & Saturday – 10:00am to 22:30hrs

Sunday – 10:00am to 22:00hrs


Live Music

Friday & Saturday – 10:00am to 22:30hrs

Sunday – 10:00am to 22:00hrs


Recorded Music

Friday & Saturday – 10:00am to 22:30hrs

Sunday – 10:00am to 22:00hrs


Performance of Dance

Friday & Saturday – 10:00am to 22:30hrs

Sunday – 10:00am to 22:00hrs


Anything of a similar description to Performance of Dance, Live & Recorded Music

Friday & Saturday – 10:00am to 22:30hrs

Sunday – 10:00am to 22:00hrs


Supply of Alcohol (for consumption on the premises)

Friday & Saturday – 10:00am to 22:15hrs

Sunday – 10:00am to 21:45hrs


One representation opposing the application was received from a local resident. The objection as detailed in Appendix E to the report was raised under three Licensing Objectives, namely the Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety and Public Nuisance. The Applicant had sought to contact the objector via email to discuss and address their concerns, as was recorded in Appendix F. However, no response was received.


The objector was invited to address the Sub-Committee but failed to attend. 


Consultations took place between the applicant and three responsible authorities, namely the Metropolitan Police, the Licensing Authority and the Council’s Environmental Protection Team. Following on from the consultation, additional conditions as set out in Appendix G & H were added to the license, which resulted in their being no objections from all three responsible authorities. 


The Chair invited the applicant, through their representative to address the Sub-Committee.


The applicant hosted two pre-application consultation meetings with residents, with one of the meetings held online and another in person to facilitate the opportunity for all residents to participate. In addition, community flyers as exhibited in Appendix D were delivered to approximately 5000 premises surrounding Barking Park. The streets in which the flyers were handed out were marked out on the map set out in Appendix J.


The applicant confirmed that that they continued to engage with the Safety Advisory Group, and had shared their Event Safety Management Plan which was detailed in a supplementary report presented to the Sub-Committee.


In response to a number of questions from the Sub-Committee, the applicant’s representative explained that the application had been made with no end date set. The event would be ticketed limited to a maximum of 7,000 to aid crowd control, with security employed at the entrance to the festival to carry out ticket checks and bag searches.


The Chair then invited the applicant to sum up before the Sub-Committee retired to make its decision.


Upon reconvening the meeting, the Legal Advisor to the Sub-Committee notified all parties of the decision:



In its determination the Sub-Committee listened to and considered all the representations both written and oral, as well as giving due consideration to all the relevant sections of the Statement of Licensing Policy, Home Office Guidance and Statutory Guidance.


The Sub-Committee resolved to grant the premises license attached with the conditions reached by the Applicant, and the three responsible authorities, namely the Metropolitan Police, the Licensing Authority and the Council’s Environmental Protection Team set out both in Licensing Officer’s report and their supplementary report. In reaching this decision the Sub-Committee had considered the Licensing Act 2003, the statutory guidance, the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the relevant articles of the Human Rights Act 1998.


The applicant would be issued the Decision Notice within five working days and would have up to 21 days from the receipt of the Notice to make an appeal against the decision. Any appeal must be made in writing to the Magistrates Court.


Supporting documents: