Issue - decisions

ODPM's Sustainable Communities Summit

17/12/2004 - The Delivering Sustainable Communities Summit

Received a report setting out arrangements for the Council’s representation at the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s “Delivering Sustainable Communities Summit” in Manchester on 31st January – 2nd February 2005. 


Agreed, in order to contribute to the Community Priority of ‘Regenerating the Local Community, to:


1.  Representation by the Lead Member for Regeneration Councillor Kallar, the Director of Regeneration and Environment Niall Bolger and officers from Regeneration Implementation (Jeremy Grint) and Planning (Peter Wright and Gordon Glenday);


2.  An exhibition at the Conference and the attendance of officers from Regeneration Implementation (Rob Shooter, Lisa Clitheroe and Jo Sinclair) to run the Council’s stand and respond to enquiries; and


3.  Total costs of £11,800, covering the cost of exhibiting, delegate attendance and associated costs to be met from existing budgets.