Issue - decisions

Land Disposal Programme

24/01/2005 - Land Disposal

Received a report on the proposed disposal of surplus and under-utilised Council-owned property and vacant sites as part of a programmed approach in support of the Council’s Capital Programme.  Noted that the proposal in respect of land at Beacontree Heath is being withdrawn at this stage and a further, more comprehensive report on options for this area will be presented in due course.  With regard to The Lawns and Woodlands site, the Director of Regeneration and Environment agreed to confirm to the Chair the boundary lines of the area for disposal.


Agreed, to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of ‘Regenerating the Local Economy’, ‘Improving Health, Housing and Social Care’ and ‘Raising General Pride in the Borough’, to:


1.  The disposal of the Council’s freehold interests in the properties and vacant sites listed in the report, with the exception of the land at Beacontree Heath which will be the subject of a further report in due course;


2.  Note that the terms of the sales will be approved by the Director of Regeneration and Environment in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution and relevant legislation; and


3.  The removal of the ‘Timber Yard’ site in Reede Road, Dagenham from the Council’s Land Disposal Programme.