Issue - decisions

Performance Indicators for Development Control: Evaluation of Planning Performance by ODPM 2004/05

17/06/2005 - Performance Indicators for Development Control: Evaluation of Planning Performance by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 2004/05

Further to Minute 194 (18 November 2003), noted a report outlining details of an assessment by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister which indicates that the Council is meeting the national targets for dealing with minor town planning applications.  The Council has been given a ‘Green’ rating, which means that the Council is no longer designated as a Planning Standards Authority.


The report also presented proposals for further improvement and changes to the Action Plan, agreed in 2003, which need to be addressed as part of the ongoing process.


Agreed, in order to ensure compliance with the Best Value Performance Indicators and to assist the Council to achieve the Community Priority of “Regenerating the Local Economy” and customer first initiatives, the following changes to procedures detailed in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.6 of the report for inclusion in the Development Control Action Plan:


  1. Production of guidance on the validation of applications;


  1. Introduction of target dates for consultations;


  1. Review of delegation levels;


  1. Section 106 legal agreements and unilateral undertakings; and


  1. Appeals.