Issue - decisions

Crossrail: Petitioning the Bill

15/07/2005 - * Crossrail: Petitioning the Bill

Further to Minute 179 (9 November 2004), received a report on the Crossrail Bill, which relates to the proposed east to west London rail scheme, which is currently progressing through Parliament.  Noted the officers’ views in respect of the merits and otherwise of this Council petitioning the Bill at the Committee Stage and issues relating to the potential construction hours of working.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priority of “Regenerating the Local Economy”, that:


1.  The Council should not petition the Crossrail Bill for the reasons set out in the report; and


2.  In the event that negotiations break down over the issue of construction working hours, joint petitioning on this point with other local councils takes place and that a further report be presented to the Executive on the financial implications of this option prior to any formal involvement.