Issue - decisions

Housing Futures Outline Delivery Plan

25/11/2005 - Housing Futures Outline Delivery Plan

Received a report detailing the proposals for delivering the Decent Homes Standard by 2010 and focusing particular attention on the delivery of retained stock which amounted to some 16,500 units of accommodation.


Agreed, in order to set the course of direction necessary to deliver the government’s decent homes standard by 2010, that:


1)  The strategy for the phasing of works as set out in paragraph 3.1.2 of the report be approved;


2)  Where available resources exceed the amount needed to fund this approach, the remaining amount should be used to anticipate works from the subsequent year;


3)  The 2006/07 Housing Capital Programme be approved;


4)  The Housing Capital Programme for future years be included in the Capital Programme review in spring 2006; and


5)  Ward specific proposals will be subject to discussion with ward members prior to submission to Community Housing Partnership meetings.