Issue - decisions

The Social Model of Disability - To Follow

25/11/2005 - The Social Model of Disability

Received a report recommending the adoption of the Social Model of Disability (SMD).


By adopting the SMD and implementing the six year change

programme, the Council will:


·  produce a strategy on accessibility for disabled people, and promote disability rights;


·  be fulfilling its obligation under the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and the Amendment Act (2005);


·  be responding to a clear message sent out by local disabled people concerning the promotion of disability equality;


·  be able to demonstrate in practical terms its commitment to disability equality and the development of a disability rights agenda, by working with other local agencies;


·  enhance its community cohesion policies by improving access to goods and services for disabled people, as well as ensuring inclusion into mainstream community life.


Agreed, in order to achieve all of the above, that:


1)  The Social Model of Disability (SMD) be adopted and the social model change programme be implemented over a period of six years beginning 31 March 2006;


2)  The Council seek specialist advice and provide support to services via local disabledpeople and their representative organisations;


3) This decision be reported to the Barking & Dagenham Partnership for further action in implementing the social model change programme, and provide the basis for a shared approach to meeting the requirements of the DDAA 2005