Issue - decisions

Review of Election Polling Stations

03/10/2008 - Review of Election Polling Stations

Received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources reviewing the Borough’s polling districts and associated polling places.


The Council has a duty under the Electoral Administration Act 2006 to conduct a review of Borough polling districts and associated polling places every four years. The review undertaken by the Proper Officer for Electoral Registration (the Chief Executive), requires public consultation with a wide range of relevant interested persons/organisations to ensure full accessibility to polling stations for voting purposes by the local electorate, and in so doing to publish final proposals agreed by the Authority, which are subject to challenge through the Electoral Commission.


All Councillors, Local Members of Parliament and local political parties, together with identified relevant organisations such as those that may have an expertise to access to premises or facilities for people with disabilities were consulted with the consultation period closing on 15 February 2008.  However in view of the number and complexity of some of the representations received and the need in some instances to consider the viability of alternative sites final reporting on the outcome of the Review was deferred until after the GLA/Mayoral elections held in May 2008.


Details of the initial proposals for polling districts and polling stations together with a summary of representations made on a ward by ward basis are set out  in the report. This also includes a number of officer recommendations where appropriate. 


Agreed in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of promoting equal opportunities and celebrating diversity and developing rights and responsibilities with the local community, to adopt and publish the findings of the review having regard to the representations made and the officer recommendations on a ward by ward basis.