Issue - decisions

'Achieving Excellence' - 3rd Quarter (October to December 2007)

07/03/2008 - 'Achieving Excellence' - Third Quarter (October to December 2007)

Received a third quarter management report from the Corporate Director of Resources bringing together the progress of actions previously agreed and identifying areas for future focus, which was considered in detail at the Executive/Corporate Management Team Strategy meeting on 12 February 2008.


Noted that the Borough overall had reduced burglaries by 31.5% and crime and disorder by 10.9%.  The Council had received the “London Problem Solving” award in recognition of the successful partnership working with the Metropolitan Police on the Gascoigne Estate.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in its priority of “Improving Performance Across the Board”, to:


(i)  Note the progress against the Second Quarter actions;  and,

(ii)  The Third Quarter actions as set out in Appendix E to the report.