Issue - decisions

Housing Revenue Account Estimates and Review of Rents and Other Charges 2008/09

28/02/2008 - Housing Revenue Account Estimates and Review of Rents and Other Charges 2008/09

Received a report from the Corporate Director of Customer Services on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) estimates and review of rents and other charges for 2008/09 with particular focus on delivering a balanced Housing budget for 2008/09 and the impact on tenants through the Government’s Rent Restructuring framework.


It was reported that a delegation on behalf of the Council and tenants, led by Councillor Liam Smith, Portfolio holder for Housing, handed in a petition at Number Ten Downing Street, following the Council’s ‘Tax on Tenants’ campaign to change funding rules for the benefit of tenants.


Discussed issues relating to the steep rise in charges for the provision of centralised heating, which arose because of the unforeseen rise in energy expenditure in recent years and the need to investigate innovative ways of supplying energy at lower cost.  Arising from these discussions it was confirmed that the rise in charges will be publicised and additional Housing Benefit Officer support will be available to tenants prior to the implementation of charges.


Further noted that Customer Service and Regeneration Departments are working together to explore innovative ways to supply energy at reduced rates.


Agreed, in order to meet the Council’s statutory duty to annually review rents and other charges, to ensure rent levels conform with the Government’s rent restructuring proposals, to produce a balanced Housing Revenue Account and assist in achieving the Community Priority of ‘Improving Health, Housing and Social Care’, to:


(i)  The HRA estimates for 2008-09 as set out in Appendix A to the report;

(ii)  Rent increases being calculated in accordance with the rent restructuring formula as detailed in the report, which represents an average weekly rent increase of £4.32 per dwelling (6.2%);

(iii)  The implementation of Phase Three of the depooling of rents in respect of the caretaking service and upkeep of amenity greens, television aerials and security;

(iv)  The Increase the communal heating charges by 32.3%;

(v)  The increasing garage rents for traditional garages by 10%;  and

(vi)  The above changes taking effect from 7 April 2008.