Issue - decisions

Children's Trust Scrutiny Panel - Final Report

12/09/2008 - Children's Trust Scrutiny Panel - Final Report

Received a report from the Children’s Trust Scrutiny Panel following a thorough analysis of the current work and operations of the Trust and advice from the Head of Commissioning Children’s Services in Tower Hamlets.


The Panel recognised the notable achievements of the Trust since its inception in April 2006 and has made a total of 20 recommendations that are intended to help build on this platform.


These recommendations cover issues such as


·  The need for the Trust to have a greater focus on performance management and monitoring,

·  Improved forward planning based on the key priorities within the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) and the Local Area Agreement (LAA),

·  Strengthening of the role of the voluntary sector and proposals to help develop the new integrated joint planning and commissioning culture across the Partnership.

·  It also proposed that the scrutiny of the Trust is formalised through regular reporting to the Scrutiny Management Board on performance and progress issues and the creation of ad hoc Panels to examine, in detail, specific problems of underachieving areas.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council achieve its Community Priority in ‘Developing Rights and Responsibilities with the local community’ and improve the performance management and accountability of the Children’s Trust


To note the report and corresponding action plan and recommend to the Assembly for adoption.


Thanked Councillor Mrs Carpenter Chair of the Panel for her personal efforts in bringing the work of the Panel to fruition.