Issue - decisions

Provision of Wheelie Bins for Household Waste Progress Report

02/03/2009 - Provision of Wheelie Bins for Household Waste: Pilot Outcomes and Borough Roll-Out - Outcome of SMB Call-In

(The Chair agreed that this item could be considered as a matter of urgency under the provisions of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.)


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources concerning the outcome of the Scrutiny Management Board’s (SMB) Call-In of the Executive decision of 20 January 2009 relating to the roll out of the wheelie bin system borough wide.


SMB asked the Executive to consider deferring the implementation of the scheme in order to give all Members of their respective parties the opportunity to receive a presentation, thus allowing them to ask questions on how the roll out of the scheme will affect constituents before a final decision is made.


Agreed in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priority of ‘Developing Rights and Responsibilities with the Local Community’ that a


  (i)  presentation be made to all Members at the Pre Assembly  meeting on 25 February 2009, and a


  (ii)  special meeting of the Executive be convened immediately after the Assembly meeting to consider the wheelie bins issue and make a final decision.

27/02/2009 - Provision of Wheelie Bins for Household Waste - Pilot Outcomes and Borough Roll-Out

By Minute 116 (20 January 2009) it was agreed that, in the light of the success of pilots carried out in five areas, to roll out across the Borough the provision of wheelie bins for household waste.


The decision was subsequently called in, and at a meeting of the Scrutiny Management Board (Minute 71, 9 February 2009) it was decided to ask the Executive to defer the implementation of the scheme in order to give all Members of their respective parties the opportunity to receive a presentation, thus allowing them to ask questions on how the roll out of the scheme would affect their constituents before a final decision is made.


Consequently, all Members were invited to attend a presentation from the Corporate Director of Customer Services and to ask questions and/or seek clarification at a pre-Assembly briefing earlier this evening.


In the light of the presentation, the Corporate Director of Customer Services represented the report outlining the results of the wheelie bin pilots. Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of “Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer” and “Raising General Pride in the Borough”, to the adoption of the wheelie bin scheme throughout the Borough, the capital and revenue implications of which have been included as part of the Council’s budget process approved by the Assembly.

23/01/2009 - Provision of Wheelie Bins for Household Waste - Pilot Outcomes and Borough Roll-Out

Received a report from the Corporate Director of Customer Services outlining the results of the wheelie bin pilots that have taken place in five areas across the borough and proposals to roll-out the system across the Borough.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of “Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer” and “Raising General Pride in the Borough”


  (i)  to the adoption of the system throughout the Borough and


  (ii)  that implementation of the borough-wide scheme is subject to capital and revenue resources being approved as part of the Councils 2009/10 budget process.