Issue - decisions

Gascoigne Estate Regeneration

27/03/2009 - Gascoigne Estate Regeneration

Received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources concerning proposals for the comprehensive regeneration of the Gascoigne Estate. This includes broad development principles and an over-arching phasing strategy that will guide the future regeneration of the estate together with a programme for the master planning of phase 1 and the production of detailed proposals for Phase 1a and the Kingsbridge site, in addition to serving of Initial and Final Demolition notices to secure tenants in Phase 1 and 2.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of, ‘Regenerating the Local Economy,’ ‘Raising General Pride in the Borough,’ ‘Better Education and Learning For All’ and ‘Improving Health, Housing and Social Care’ to approve, subject to funding:


  (i)  The overarching Phasing Strategy for the Gascoigne Estate and the detailed Phasing Strategy for Phase 1;


  (ii)  The outline programme for the master planning of Phase 1 and the detailed design stages for Phase 1A and the Kingsbridge site;


  (iii)  Commencement of decant and buybacks for Phase 1A and buy-backs in Phase 1B; 


  (iv)  The serving of Initial Demolition Notices on all secure tenants within Phases 1 and 2 in order to suspend the requirement for the Council to complete right to buy applications for as long as the Notices remain in force;


  (v)  Authority to serve Final Demolition Notices on all secure tenants within Phase 1 and 2 once the proposed demolition dates are known, in order to render all existing right to buy applications ineffective and prevent any further right to buy applications being made;


  (vi)  The demolition of properties in Phase 1A and the Kingsbridge site once vacant possession has been secured; and


  (vii)  The Gascoigne Estate Consultation and Engagement Strategy;


Thanked the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development and his staff for their work in bringing about a long held ambition for residents.