Issue - decisions

Charging for Pre-Planning Application Advice

24/04/2009 - Charging for Pre-Planning Application Advice

Received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources regarding proposals to introduce charges for the advice given to applicants prior to the submission of a planning application.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priority of ‘Developing Rights and Responsibilities with the Local Community’ to the approval of the principle of pre-application charging, following consultation with users of the service on the basis of the following charges exclusive of VAT effective from 1 June 2009.


Pre-application Planning Advice


(i)  Category A –Major Scale Development - £1,500 – Follow up meetings £750.

100 + residential units

Non residential applications with a floorspace of over 5,000m2

Changes of use over 5,000m2

Development of a site over 0.5 hectare or over;


(ii)  Category B – Large Scale Development - £750 – Follow up  meetings £375

10-99 residential units

Non residential applications with a floorspace 1,000m2 - 4,999m2

Changes of use 1,000m2 – 4999m2

Development of sites up to 0.49 hectare;


  Developments requiring an environmental impact assessment or traffic impact assessment


(iii)  Category C – Medium Scale Development - £400 – Follow up meetings £200.

2-9 residential units


  Non residential applications or changes of use with a floorspace of 100m2-999m2; and


(iv)  Category D – Small Scale Development - £150

Advertisement unrelated to the premises on which they are


New Telecoms installation

Flat conversions

Single new houses

Change of use within shopping parades and other retail areas


There will be no charge for pre application planning advice on householder applications, or other minor developments such as small changes of use (excluding those in Category A above) shop fronts, small commercial floorspace extensions or enforcement cases.


These charges will not apply to applications submitted by the Local Authority.