Issue - decisions

Submission of Barking Town Centre Area Action Plan

11/09/2009 - Submission of Barking Town Centre Area Action Plan

Received a report from the Chief Executive regarding the outcome of final consultation on the Barking Town Centre Area Action Plan prior to the Assembly’s approval for submission to the Secretary of State.


The Barking Town Centre Area Action Plan defines the Council’s vision for how the town centre will function and look in 2025 and sets out the policies and site allocations that will stimulate the economic and commercial regeneration of the town centre whilst at the same time, protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment and improving the quality of life and the life chances of the local community.


The Action Plan has gone through extensive community and stakeholder consultation at various stages culminating in the final consultation stage which resulted in 124 separate representations of which the most significant issues raised for the Inspector’s consideration are


·  The proposed traffic management measures along Abbey Road and St Paul’s Road

·  The need for the proposed new bridges across the River Roding

·  The affordable housing target

·  The need for a new school to be provided on the Abbey Road Retail Park site

·  The proposed approach to tall buildings


Agreed, in order to comply with statutory requirements and to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of ‘Safe’ ‘Clean’ ‘Healthy’ ‘Fair and Respectful’ and ‘Prosperous’ to recommend the Assembly to approve the submission of the Barking Town Centre Area Action Plan to the Secretary of State.