Issue - decisions

Proposal for expanding Roding Primary School at Cannington Road

17/07/2009 - Proposal for Expanding Roding Primary School at Cannington Road

Received a report from the Corporate Director of Children’s Services regarding proposals to expand Roding Primary School at Cannington Road to provide more school places.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of ‘Inspired and Successful’ and ‘Fair and Respectful’ to:


  (i)  the procurement route as set out in Section 4 of the report and delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources to place an order with an appropriate construction company in accordance with the Council’s Rules and its Constitution;


  (ii)  the financial provision as set out in the financial implications section of the report; and


  (iii)  acknowledge that due to the speed of this project, we were not notified of the intention to go to tender before this report, but that no tenders will be accepted or contracts awarded prior to our consideration of this procurement matter and our consent to proceed given.