Issue - decisions

Tender Award - Framework Agreement for the Supply of Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies

04/12/2009 - Award of Framework Agreement for the Provision of Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies

Further to Minute No 99 (16 December 2008), received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources on the outcome of the procurement process for a framework agreement contract for the provision of cleaning and janitorial supplies.  The procurement has been led by this Council on behalf of the London Contracts and Supplies Group (LCSG).


Agreed, in order to accord with statutory obligations and to ensure the Council has a cost effective and value for money contract, to the award of the Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies Framework Agreement to Bunzl Greenham on behalf of the London Contracts and Supplies Group (LCSG), on the terms set out in the report.


(The appendix to this report was contained in the private section of the agenda by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972).