Issue - decisions

Joint Report for Biodiversity, Trees and Development Draft Supplementary Planning Document

26/11/2010 - Local Development Framework - Draft Biodiversity and Draft Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Documents

The Cabinet Member for Environment presented a report on the draft Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and the draft Trees and Development SPD which provide guidance to developers on complying with planning policy in the Council’s Local Development Framework.


The draft Biodiversity SPD sets out guidance on protecting and enhancing biodiversity in the Borough and explains how new development can be designed to benefit wildlife.  The Draft Trees and Development SPD similarly provides guidance on how trees should be protected in the Borough and how this will impact on development proposals.  The Divisional Director of Regeneration and Economic Development confirmed that, once formally adopted, these documents will inform the decision-making of the Council’s Development Control Board.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priority “Clean”, to:-


(i)  Approve the Draft Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document for consultation and as a material consideration in dealing with planning applications; and


(ii)  Approve the Draft Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Document for consultation and as a material consideration in dealing with planning applications.