Issue - decisions

Future Operation of Wood Lane Sports Centre

01/10/2010 - Future Operation of Wood Lane Sports Centre

The Cabinet Member for Culture and Sport presented a report on the future of Wood Lane Sports Centre together with proposals to acquire small pieces of land adjacent to the new Becontree Heath Leisure Centre in order to enhance the public realm in the area.


The new Becontree Heath Leisure Centre is due to open in 2011 and an in principle decision was made at the Cabinet meeting on 17 November 2009 (Minute 94) to demolish and decommission Wood Lane Sports Centre following the new Centre’s opening, subject to a further report on alternative options and associated planning issues.  The Cabinet Member confirmed that the options appraisal has not identified any future operational use for the building by the Council and it is therefore proposed that the site be sold on the open market.  It was noted that as the site is within designated green belt land, which restricts future use, it is now intended that the building be secured following its vacation and sold as part of the site, and not demolished as originally proposed.


The Head of Leisure and Arts confirmed that the vast majority of sports and other services currently provided at Wood Lane Sports Centre will continue to be available at the new Centre.  The exceptions are five-a-side football which have been relocated nearby and the shooting club, which officers are continuing to seek to identify an alternative location within the borough.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve the Community Priority “Healthy”, to:


  (i)  The sale of the Wood Lane Sports Centre and associated facilities on the open market in line with the Council’s disposals procedure following the opening of the new Becontree Heath Leisure Centre and once voluntary organisations have had the opportunity to freely acquire surplus equipment;


  (ii)  A report being presented to Cabinet at the appropriate time seeking approval to the terms of any land disposal;


  (iii)  The provisional sum identified in the Becontree Heath Leisure Centre capital budget for the demolition of the Wood Lane Sports Centre instead being utilised to protect the building from damage once it has been vacated and prior to its sale;


  (iv)  The acquisition and future maintenance of two small parcels of land adjacent to the Becontree Heath Leisure Centre, shown hatched in red in the plan at Appendix A to the report, in order to bring the public realm to a suitable standard in this area; and


  (v)  The Council undertaking the future maintenance of the small parcel of land shown hatched in black in the plan at Appendix A which will remain in private ownership.