Issue - decisions

Health and Wellbeing Strategy

01/10/2010 - Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services presented the Barking and Dagenham Partnership Health and Wellbeing Strategy which is being presented for adoption to all constituent organisations within the Partnership.


The Health and Wellbeing Strategy establishes ten health and wellbeing priorities for the next three years which are aimed at addressing the health inequalities of borough residents.  The Cabinet Member explained that while there have been improvements over the past decade, for example in relation to the life expectancy of borough residents, there continues to be a disparity with the UK average in a number of areas.


Issues raised during the discussions included:-


  • The need for the Council’s licensing and planning policies to support the aims of the Strategy.  In respect of licensing, reference was made to the increase in the number of licensed premises in the borough and their hours of opening.  It was noted that a review of the Council’s Licensing Policy was currently being undertaken and would be the subject of a future report to Cabinet.
  • The need for more effective advertising, with the example given of men’s health adverts being sited in toilets across Council and commercial premises.  The Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services undertook to take this matter forward.
  • The importance of physical activity.  The Leader referred to the popularity of the Council’s ‘Summer Sorted’ project for children and the range of other community activities available.
  • The reduction in the level of repeat domestic violence incidents as a result of new initiatives such as the Domestic Violence Advocacy Service.
  • The importance of retaining local control over local health spending which the Corporate Director confirmed would be the subject of further reports.
  • The need to learn lessons from previously unsuccessful initiatives and strategies.
  • The need to promote healthy workplaces and the issuing and monitoring of sick notes issued by GPs.
  • The steps being taken to promote a consistent food labelling regime on a national level.
  • The importance of ensuring that the relevant agencies are promoting breast feeding.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council and its partners in achieving the Community Priority “Healthy”, to:


  (i)  Adopt the Health and Wellbeing Strategy appended to the report; and


  (ii)  Note that the Health and Wellbeing Board will monitor progress against action plans and key performance indicators.