Issue - decisions

Alteration to Planning Advice Note on Religious Meeting Places

01/10/2010 - Revised Planning Advice Note on Religious Meeting Places

Further to Minute 11 (12 June 2007), the Cabinet Member for Regeneration presented a report on proposed revisions to the Council’s existing Planning Advice Note Guidance on Religious Meeting Places which aims to identify suitable sites to accommodate the increase in demand for such venues while at the same time minimise issues around increased noise, disturbance, parking problems and loss of amenities for the local community as a whole.


The Cabinet Member explained that the revisions to the Guidance introduce more clarity on what are considered to be the preferred locations for religious meeting places and the following four locations have been identified where applications for religious meeting places will be dealt with favourably:


  • Thames Road within the River Road Employment Area
  • South Dagenham West (Site Specific Allocation SSA SM2)
  • South Dagenham East (Site Specific Allocation SSA SM4)
  • Ripple Road within the Rippleside Employment Area


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of “Fair and Respectful” and “Prosperous”, to approve the revised Planning Advice Note on Religious Meeting Places as set out at Appendix 1 to the report.