Issue - decisions

Re-tender of the Security Contract

05/11/2010 - Tender for Corporate Contract for the Supply of Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licensed Security Personnel

The Cabinet Member for Crime, Justice and Communities presented a report on the proposal for the renewal of the corporate contract for the supply of Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licensed security personnel, the current contract for which is due to expire on 28 February 2011. 


The Cabinet Member highlighted some of the key terms to be included in the new contract and the types of service that will be provided and advised that officers will continue to investigate alternative solutions to address security issues and reduce the need for dedicated security personnel. 


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priority “Safe”, to:-


 (i)  The procurement of a new contract for the supply of Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licensed Security Personnel over a three-year term, with an option to extend for a further year subject to satisfactory performance, on the terms detailed in the report; and


(ii)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources and Legal Partners, to award the new term contract following the conclusion of the procurement process.