Issue - decisions

Safer Neighbourhoods Parks Team - Contract with the Metropolitan Police

28/01/2011 - Contract for the Provision of a Parks Safer Neighbourhood Team by the Metropolitan Police

Further to Minute 125(ii) (16 February 2010), received a report from the Cabinet Member for Crime, Justice and Communities on proposals to formalise the arrangement with the Metropolitan Police regarding the provision of a Parks Safer Neighbourhood Team service.


As part of the budgetary considerations for 2010/11, a review was undertaken into how the Council keeps its parks and open spaces safe.  Arising from this, a team comprising a Sergeant and five Police Constables has been providing the service since July 2010 at a cost to the Council of £240,000 per annum, which represents a considerable saving on the previous service provision.  The Cabinet Member advised that in view of the success of the new arrangements it is proposed to enter into a formal two-year contract with the Metropolitan Police for this service.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priority “Safe”, to:-


(i)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services to enter into a two-year contract with the Metropolitan Police Authority, under section 92 of the Police Act 1996, on the terms set out in the report; and


(ii)  Waive the requirement to tender in accordance with the Council’s Contract Rule, as the services to be provided under the contract with the Metropolitan Police are of a specialist or proprietary nature.