Issue - decisions

Towards a Fairer Contributions Policy for Adult Social Care

18/03/2011 - Towards a Fairer Contributions Policy for Adult Social Care

The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services presented a report on proposals for an extensive consultation on proposals to revise the current charging arrangements for adult social care services.


The Cabinet Member advised that the Council has a proud history of heavily subsidising social care services but new Government guidance requiring substantial changes to existing charging and contributions policies for non-residential care, as well as demographic pressures and the financial challenges for public sector services, has led to the need to develop a new approach in order for the Council to continue to provide quality social care services that meet the needs of its residents.


The ‘Fairer Contributions Policy for Adult Social Care’ has been designed to offer fair and equitable services that take account of the level of income in Barking and Dagenham.  The Cabinet Member outlined the key aspects of the policy and explained that financial modelling shows that over half of users would continue to receive free services, pay less or pay the same as at present.  


The Cabinet Member explained that the intention is for the local community, key organisations and other stakeholders to be consulted over the coming months, with a further report presented to the Cabinet in the summer and the new arrangements coming into effect from 1 October 2011. 


Agreed, in order to accord with Department of Health guidance and support the Community Priorities “Safe”, “Healthy” and “Fair and Respectful”, to:


(i)  Endorse the proposals for a fair and equitable adult social care charging policy as detailed in section 2 of the report;


(ii)  Approve the “Fairer Contributions Policy” consultation document at Appendix 5 to the report;


(iii)  Receive a further report in the summer on the outcome of the consultation and final proposals.