Issue - decisions

Provision of Care Services within Colin Pond Court and D'arcy Gardens

18/02/2011 - Extension of Contract for the Provision of Care Services within Colin Pond Court and Darcy Gardens (Extra Care Schemes)

Received a report from the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services on proposals to extend the current contracts for the provision of Extra Care services at Colin Pond Court and Darcy Gardens. 


Extra Care housing is part of the provision of support which is available to older people who require extra help and services to enable them to continue living independently for as long as possible.  The Cabinet Member advised that the proposal to extend these contracts will enable the existing services to continue while longer-term commissioning options, such as the current “Up2Us” national pilot schemes, are considered.  The Cabinet Member also confirmed that savings of approximately 10% are expected to be achieved as a result of negotiations with the existing service providers on the terms of the contract extensions.


Agreed, in order to support the Community Priority “Healthy”, to:-


(i)  Approve a two-year extension to the contract with Care UK Homecare Limited for the Provision of Care Services in Housing with Extra Care Schemes at Colin Pond Court and Darcy Gardens; and


(ii)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services to negotiate and agree the terms of the extended contract.