Issue - decisions

Grievance Resolution Procedure

26/08/2011 - Human Resources Policies and Procedures - Grievance Resolution Procedure

The Cabinet Member for Customer Services and Human Resources presented a report introducing a revised Grievance Resolution Procedure, which had been considered and endorsed by the Employee Joint Consultative Committee on 16 November 2010.


The Cabinet Member explained that the new Procedure brought together all of the Council’s procedures relating to grievance handling, including dealing with bullying and harassment, and introduced a new provision within the resolution process for bullying and harassment cases whereby a sub-group of the Council’s Personnel Board would review and advise the officer nominated to undertake the appeal hearing.


Cabinet agreed to adopt the Grievance Resolution Procedure as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the addition within the specific Bullying and Harassment area of the policy to the reference to the new appeal hearing provision.