Issue - decisions

Fews Lodge Extra Care Scheme

23/09/2011 - Fews Lodge Extra Care Scheme

The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services reported on the proposal to convert Fews Lodge, Gregory Road, Chadwell Heath, into Extra Care Housing for people with dementia.


Funding from the Department of Health now enabled the Council to commence the project that it had intended to progress with Hanover Housing at the time of the development of the Kallar Lodge residential care home on the site in 2008.  The Cabinet Member advised that the new provision would enable the Council to meet growing demand for this type of care, particularly for couples, and gave greater levels of independence in a more cost-effective way than residential care.


Cabinet agreed:-


  (i)  That the main building of Fews Lodge be converted into Extra Care Housing provision for people with dementia as detailed in the report; and


  (ii)  That the project be provided jointly under the management of Customer Services for landlord services (with rent being paid by tenants to the HRA) and Adult Social Care for care provision (funded through adult social care budgets), while the bungalows and houses on the site revert to general needs housing.