Issue - decisions

Urgent Action - Demographic Growth Capital Fund Grant: Sixth Form Accommodation at Robert Clack Comprehensive School

26/08/2011 - Urgent Action - Demographic Growth Capital Fund Grant: Sixth Form Accommodation at Robert Clack Comprehensive School

The Cabinet received and noted a report on the action taken by the Chief Executive on 10 August 2011, acting under the urgency procedures contained within paragraph 17 of Article 1, Part B of the Council’s Constitution, in agreeing the following:


  (i)  The acceptance of the capital grant of £3,058,000 from the Young People Learning Agency to support the provision of 16-19 student teaching accommodation at Robert Clack Comprehensive School;


  (ii)  To authorise the Corporate Director of Children’s Services to sign and accept the grant on behalf of the Council for submission to the YPLA, together with information confirming the project, by 15 August 2011; and


 (iii)  The procurement proposals as set out in the appended report and to authorise the Corporate Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources and the Cabinet Member for Children and Education, to approve the appointment of the final contractor and the placing of an order.