Issue - decisions

Housing and Environmental Services - Localities Management

23/03/2012 - Improved Housing Management and Environmental Services in Town Centres and Flatted Housing Estates

The Cabinet Member for Environment presented a report on plans to improve front-line housing management and environmental services in the Borough’s town centres and flatted housing estates through a new joined up service. 


The Cabinet Member advised that pilot schemes in two areas of the Borough that had commenced last year had brought together services such as grounds maintenance, housing and street cleaning, with each area overseen by a Localities Manager.  Those pilots had proved very successful by providing more responsive and accountable services to local people and, more importantly, improving the quality and consistency of the service provided.  The proposal was to extend the arrangements to four further areas of the Borough and implement revised staffing and management structures to reflect the new ‘localities’ service model.


Cabinet agreed:


  (i)  That an integrated Housing Management and Environmental service, as described in the report, be delivered in the targeted areas broadly outlined in Appendix A to the report, on the understanding that the exact boundaries would be subject to change to reflect operational requirements identified during implementation and development of the new localities model; and


  (ii)  That formal consultation commence with Unions and affected staff on the restructuring proposals as detailed in the report.