Issue - decisions

Adult Social Care Local Account

20/01/2012 - The Adult Social Care Local Account 2010/11

The Cabinet Member for Children and Adult Services introduced a report on the Adult Social Care Local Account for 2010/11, which represented the Council’s assessment of its adult social care provision during the last financial year.


The annual ‘Local Account’ approach had replaced the assessment regime previously undertaken by the Care Quality Commission.  The Cabinet Member advised that the structure and content of the report for 2011/12 would reflect the ‘model’ Local Account for all local authorities that was still being developed by the social care sector, in consultation with the Department of Health and the Local Government Association. 


The Cabinet Member outlined the key aspects within the Local Account for 2010/11 against the seven principles contained within the Government’s ‘Vision for Adult Social Care’ published in November 2010 of prevention, personalisation, partnership, plurality, protection, productivity and people.


Cabinet agreed the Local Account for 2010/11, as attached at Appendix B to the report, for publication.