Issue - decisions

Beam Park Prospectus

09/05/2012 - Beam Park Prospectus

Assembly received this report introduced by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration.  The report focused on a revised approach to the regeneration of Beam Park, south Dagenham, an area of approximately 30 hectares of largely vacant land south of the A1306, two thirds of which was within Barking and Dagenham and the other third in the London Borough of Havering. 


The Cabinet Member advised that it had been intended that the site be for residential-led development.  However, recent interest from the market had suggested that a major leisure-led project could provide the essential catalyst to secure regeneration and deliver growth in the wider south Dagenham/ Rainham area.  With that in mind, a joint prospectus had been prepared which, although not changing or replacing current planning policy, provided an up-to-date statement of the two Councils’ aspirations for the area and described the key development objectives, an illustration of the expected planning benefits and a summary of planning and transport requirements including planning policy considerations.


In response to questions, the Cabinet Member welcomed Members' general support for the scheme.  He explained the effects of the Community Infrastructure Levy referred to at paragraph 5.4 of the report and advised that the proposed redevelopment could create up to 3,000 new jobs, thus making the area more attractive to potential developers. 


Assembly agreed to approve the Beam Park Prospectus attached at Appendix 1 to the report.

23/03/2012 - Beam Park Prospectus

The Cabinet Member for Regeneration introduced a report on a revised approach in respect of the regeneration of Beam Park, south Dagenham, an area of approximately 30 hectares of largely vacant land south of the A1306, two thirds of which was within Barking and Dagenham and the other third in the London Borough of Havering. 


The Cabinet Member advised that the intention had been for the site to be for residential-led development but recent interest from the market had suggested that a major leisure-led project could provide the essential catalyst to secure regeneration and deliver growth in the wider south Dagenham / Rainham area.  With that in mind, a joint prospectus had been prepared which, although not changing or replacing current planning policy, provided an up-to-date statement of the two Councils’ aspirations for the area and described the key development objectives, an illustration of the expected planning benefits and a summary of planning and transport requirements including planning policy considerations.


Cabinet agreed to recommend the Assembly to approve the Beam Park Prospectus at Appendix 1 to the report.