Issue - decisions

Tenant-Funded Estates Police Team: Six Months' Progress Report

11/01/2013 - Overview of Performance of the Estates Policing Team

Further to Minute 89 (17 January 2012), the Cabinet Members for Housing and Crime, Justice and Communities reported on the first six months of operation of the Estate Policing team, an initiative jointly funded via the Council’s Housing Revenue Account and the Mayor for London.


As referred to earlier in the meeting, the new initiative had helped to significantly reduce crime levels across the Borough and had been well received by local residents.  Specific performance monitoring arrangements introduced during the summer showed that the Estate Policing team had spent almost 9,400 hours patrolling estates across the Borough during the period 8 July to 4 November 2012 and had been directly responsible for 199 arrests, as well as dealing with a wide range of anti-social behaviour issues.  The Cabinet Member for Housing advised that the initiative had also had a very positive knock-on effect in non-estate areas of the Borough and was proving to be an extremely successful project.  The Divisional Director of Community Safety and Public Protection added that the project had led to a number of improvements in the way that perpetrators of crime and anti-social behaviour were dealt with.


Cabinet noted the success of the new Estate Policing team during the first six months of operation.