Issue - decisions

Corporate Grants

23/05/2003 - Corporate Grant Applications

Received a report setting out the grant applications for 2003/2004 as well as the outcome of the assessment and monitoring undertaken by the Grants Officers.


Agreed, to approve grants for organisations as listed in Appendix A of the report in order to enable organisations to deliver their various projects to the benefit of the Community and to attract funding from external sources into the Borough, subject to the following amendments:


Age Concern

No grant

Alcohol Advisory Service


Bereavement Service

£10, 486

Centre for Independent Living

No grant



Disablement Information and Advice Line

No grant

Life of Independence for Everyone

No grant

Mencap Society

No grant

Mind (Dagenham Association of Mental Health)

No grant

North East London Mediation


St Francis Hospice

No grant


These amendments have been made in light of changes in priorities in Social Services following the move away from the Standard Spending Assessment (SSA) to the Formula Spending Share (FSS).