Issue - decisions

Provision of Additional Burial Space / New Cemetery Site

14/03/2003 - Progress with Regards to Identifying Suitable Burial Space

Received a report presenting the findings of feasibility studies into the suitability of a number of sites for burial purposes.


Agreed, in order to facilitate the provision of burial facilities in the Borough to meet demand for the next 50 years, to:


  1. Support the extension of the Field site and:


a)  Approve the appropriation of the field north of Chadwell Heath Cemetery site for burial purposes pursuant to Section 214 of the Local Government Act 1972, subject to the necessary Town Planning consents being given;


b)  Authorise the Director of Leisure and Environmental Services to take any actions necessary to permit the re-siting of the Kingston Hill Avenue Recreation Ground to an area nearer to Gibbfield Close, including giving notice of intention to appropriate the Recreation Ground for burial purposes pursuant to Section 214 of the Local Government Act 1972;


  1. Defer the decision on the future of the Bridport Avenue site; and


  1. To authorise the Director of Leisure and Environment Services to undertake the necessary actions up to tender stage.


The Executive congratulated the relevant officers on their excellent work.