Issue - decisions

Parking Modernisation Programme

23/10/2013 - Parking Modernisation Programme

Cabinet resolved:


(i)  To approve a three-year capital investment programme for 2013/14 - 2015/16 totalling £1.18m to be funded through borrowing, the main elements of the programme being:


(a)  £0.51m for the development and implementation of parking schemes, as outlined in paragraph 3.4 of the report.


(b)  £0.67m for the final phases of the Parking Modernisation Programme as outlined in paragraph 4.7 of the report.


(ii)  To approve the implementation of cashless payment methods as set out in the report, subject to the Corporate Director of Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Crime, Justice and Communities, being authorised to vary the implementation arrangements in response to comments received from the draft Traffic Order public consultation.