Issue - decisions

Joint Assessment and Discharge Team

12/09/2013 - Joint Assessment and Discharge Team

Anne Bristow (Corporate Director, Adult and Community Services) introduced the report to the Board. It was noted that the proposal requires a cross-borough decision and there is a short time period in which to implement the service. The main challenges to progress include identifying a host organisation and establishing the common operating features of the service.

The Board noted that the ultimate aim of the new service is to remove peoples’ dependence on services and have people lead independent lives with care delivered in the home-setting. It was acknowledged that to achieve this aim there is a need to develop community capacity and utilise social networks (family/friends/neighbours).

The Board asked whether it would be necessary to consult with the public on the proposal. Bruce Morris (Divisional Director, Adult Social Care) explained that there is no intention at this stage to do so as it is not considered a change in service from a patient perspective. However, consultation with staff involved will be important.

The Board asked how the proposal would improve the patient experience when leaving hospital. Anne Bristow advised the Board that between now and the service going live professionals will work together to find and address bugs in the service/pathway to ensure patients receive a better service. Once the work has been done and the proposal is more developed it will be clearer what differences patients can expect to see. 

The Board felt it was important to be robust in analysing and critiquing the service in order so that meets key performance targets. Dr Mohi (Chair of Barking and Dagenham Clinical Commissioning Group) advised the Board the joint Assessment and Discharge Team proposal will be discussed on 19 June, at the next Integrated Care Coalition meeting, that discussion will feed into further reporting on this matter.

The Board noted the progress of this project and the milestones for implementation as set out in paragraph 5 of the report. The Board will receive a further report in September asking for decision to proceed to the next phase. The Board agreed the design principles as described in paragraph 2 of the report.