Issue - decisions

Maternity Services in Barking and Dagenham

12/09/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Strategy Priority - Maternity Services

Conor Burke (Accountable Officer, CCG) introduced the report to the Board.


The Board noted that the mid-wife vacancy rate of 11% represents a change in how the vacancy rate is calculated rather than any changes to midwife numbers. Dr Mike Gill (Medical Director, BHRUT) stated that BHRUT is committed to maintaining its 1:29 midwife/patient ratio.


Helen Jenner (Corporate Director, Children’s Services) advised the Board of discussion that had taken place at the Children’s Trust into the increases in safeguarding workloads as a result of the rising birth rate. 


The Board discussed whether the capping of births which helped to relieve pressure on deliveries at Queen’s could be applied to A&E admissions. It was explained that this approach had been considered and rejected because A&E admissions are by nature unplanned whereas births can be accurately forecast and pressure managed accordingly.


Dr Mike Gill commented that the turnaround in performance that has taken place at BHRUT demonstrates how re-configuration of services can make a positive difference and assist providers in delivering better services.


The Board wished to see more home births offered locally so that this could be a genuine choice for low-risk women. It was explained that the co-located model was designed with offering home births in mind as the model will improve the competency and confidence of mid-wives. Dr Mike Gill expressed a view that local women prefer to give birth in a clinical-setting. Changing the attitudes of women will be important as the home birth agenda moves forward.