Issue - decisions

Urgent Care Board: Update

17/01/2014 - Urgent Care Board: Update

Conor Burke (Accountable Officer, B&D CCG) introduced this report to the Board. In updating the Board on the recent work of the Urgent Care Board the following issues or comments were raised:


·  Queen’s Hospital is struggling with patient flow through the hospital. This is a hospital-wide issue that impacts on the effectiveness of treating patients quickly in the Emergency Department. Queen’s Hospital must improve how it deals with frail elderly patients and how it discharges patients to avoid delayed transfers of care.


·  To address staffing shortages BHRUT has recruited 18 middle grade Doctors, 10 middle grade Anaesthetists, and 2 Consultants for the Emergency Department.


·  £7 million of winter planning monies has been invested to help better manage demand for urgent and emergency care.


·  The CCG was challenged over the provision of urgent care GP appointments being delivered through the pilot surge scheme and whether there would be analysis of the scheme in relation to reducing A&E attendances. Concerns were also raised about the lack of publicity to raise awareness of urgent care GP appointments among residents.


The Board noted the progress report and agreed to receive a further update at its meeting on 25 March 2014.