Issue - decisions

Commissioning Plans 2014/15

17/01/2014 - CCG Commissioning Plans 2014/15

Conor Burke (Accountable Officer, B&D CCG) introduced the report to the Board.


The Board discussed the challenges of planning and setting priorities over a period of five years, especially at a time of major change in the health and social care sector. There is a danger that the five year strategic plan will not keep up with affairs and developments. The two year Delivery Plan will respond to such changes when it is refreshed and tie together short, medium and long term objectives for the CCG and its partners.


It was noted that the work of the Integrated Care Coalition has been useful in establishing a unified vision for health and social care locally. Further work is needed to ensure that the CCG’s Commissioning Plans align with other local plans/strategies. The Board noted the priorities outlined in section 6.3 of the report which include: delivering more care in the community, raising standards within primary care, and improving performance in emergency and urgent care.


The Board agreed to:


·  Note guidance and progress to date


·  Consider the commissioning plans of the CCG including the Integrated Transformation Fund at meetings in February and March 2014.