Issue - decisions

Fees and Charges: Careline Service 2003/04

01/08/2003 - Fees and Charges: Careline Service 2003/04

Received a report seeking to ensure that the Careline service, which provides vulnerable residents with a speedy, telephonic assistance for emergency situations and aids independent living, is correctly targeted to those in need using transparent assessment criteria.  The report also set out proposals to ensure that charges for the service are appropriate, recovering the full costs of the service, in line with the Council’s Policy on charging and providing care services.


Agreed the following in order to implement the Council’s Charging Policy and assist the Council in achieving its Community Priority of “Improving, Health, Housing and Social Care”:

  1. A charge of £169 per year (£3.25 per week) for the Careline service, to take effect from 1 October 2003 for 2003/04;
  1. The new Careline Service Statement (in accordance with Fair Access to Care) for access to the service; and
  1. The Lead Member to lobby the Secretary of State for Health seeking a change to the fairer charging guidelines to allow charges to be made for services such as Careline where an individual chooses to pay for the service.