Issue - decisions

The Care Act

29/07/2014 - The Care Act

The Board received the report and following discussion:


(i)  Noted:


(a)  The need to support carers to remain in employment and the potential for the Adult College to be able to assist in this area.


(b)  The challenges in regard to advocacy numbers and training of the advocates to levels envisaged by the draft Regulations within the voluntary sector.


(c)  The high level of administration that would be needed to produce personalised statements.


(d)  There were a number of variables that will affect the potential cost of implementation to the Council and currently the best estimates had averaged around £4.5m, but could be as high as £8m.


(e)  The Carers Strategy was currently being refreshed and it was anticipated this will be reported to the Board on 28 October 2014.


(ii)  Approved the response of the Board, to the consultation on the Care Act draft guidance and regulations, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.


(iii)  Agreed the actions to be undertaken by partner organisations to contribute to the implementation programme.


(iv)  To a schedule of further Care Act programme implementation reports to ensure the Board is well-sighted on issues and to further explore issues or parts of the implementation that impact on partner organisations.