Issue - decisions

Tantony Green: Potential Partnership Arrangement with Marks Gate Local Agenda 21

31/10/2003 - Tantony Green: Potential Partnership Arrangement with Marks Gate Local Agenda 21

Received a report outlining an opportunity to enhance the appearance of Tantony Green through working in partnership with the Marks Gate Agenda 21 Neighbourhood Partnership to make a joint bid for grant aid to the Countryside Agency under their Doorstep Greens Programme.  Together with funds from Section 106 Agreements this would provide additional funding in the region of £62,700, which will be use to replace the existing derelict concrete fencing, provide a football pitch and landscaping.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of “Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer”, “Raising General Pride in the Borough” and “Developing Rights and Responsibilities with the Local Community”, to:


  1. The Council working with the local community and Marks Gate Agenda 21 Neighbourhood Partnership to set out a Management Plan for the future maintenance of Tantony Green (which will then be implemented in conjunction with the Marks Gate Agenda 21 Neighbourhood Partnership); and


  1. Make a bid on behalf of the partners for grant aid from the Countryside Agency and any other potential funding bodies and, if the Doorstep Green application is successful:


(a)  The Council entering into a Deed of Covenant with the Countryside Agency regarding the future disposal of all or part of Tantony Green;


(b)  The future maintenance, to be undertaken in association with the Marks Gate Agenda 21 Neighbourhood Partnership, in line with a Management Plan and to standards agreed with the Agenda 21 Partnership and Countryside Agency at the outset; and


(c)  Subject to grant funding being obtained for improvements to Tantony Green, that the Council acts as Project Manager and accordingly that funding is set aside in the Estimates to enable the use of any grant money awarded by the Countryside Agency (the Creation Grant) be used for the purposes of making improvements to Tantony Green in line with the master plan.